I hope you all had a great new years eve and I wish you all all the best in 2018! Luna has been behaving herself, at my mothers insistence (she thinks Luna is a delinquent cat! ah!) a little water spray has been purchased, and whenever the cat gets within 2 feet of the tree she gets a face full of water which she absolutely hates and it has resulted with the tree remaining in a horizontal position.
It has also gotten rather cold here, minus double digit cold to be precise! Lake Erie has frozen as far as the eye can see so we went down to the lakeshore to take some pictures for you guys, I would like to have taken more and better pictures but that would have involved removing my gloves which was not an option while out on the freezing windswept tundra! While on the beach we saw a poor frozen little cat which darted under a rock just out of out reach when it spotted us, it did not have a collar on so there was very little we could do for it but from now on we are going to carry some little cans of tuna in the car in case we see any more cold and lonely little cats :D
although it is hard to spot among all the white someone has in fact made a rather fetching snowman using debris found on the 'beach'. |
Gazing out towards Canada over the lake and a rather wonky horizon |
The North Coast |
Lake Erie is frozen as far as the eye can see. This has happened a month or two earlier than usual. |
I also included some pictures below of my Christmas present, the Simpsons Christmas village complete with Ralphie getting his tongue stuck on the signpost!
In a couple of weeks Amanda and myself are going to go to Mexico for a winter break, so I can write and tell you all about it!
Speak soon love from Amanda and Greg x x
Never lick a signpost in frigid temperatures, as Ralphie can testify. |
Bart snowboarding behind his dog Santas Little Helper, you can see the Kwik E Mart in the background! |
I got Amanda a milk frother for christmas, it makes rather awesome cappuccinos :D |
Our frozen house :( |
An unusual sight in winter, two frigid flamingos in our garden! |