Monday, 28 October 2013

4 days to go!

Good Evening Everybody! There is only 5 days to go till the big day now, I am so excited! I am also very sorry there has not been much action on the blog front lately - things have been extremely hectic and busy lately and I intend to fill you in in a lot more detail post wedding! But to wet your appetite here are some pictures of things I have done in the past couple of weeks :)

The resident dear population - you may notice the lack of flowers in the gardens and these critters combined with the harsh winters are the main reason why!

Me alongside my lovely new bicycle going for our first ride along the towpath

My lovely new bicycle sitting up against a nice tree in all its autumn (fall) glory

Does this picture need a caption? it was an absolute beast of a burger and the beer is pretty good too!

This is something called a chocolate Smores... it is a chocolate covered pretzels with pieces of marshmallows in it! mmmmmm :)

The perfect place to experience a storm.... in the middle of a really long bridge with no cover at all :(

Another cool shot of the city shrouded in cloud... at the end of the bridge this time :)

A nice view looking over the Cleveland shoreline and Lake Erie 


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