Thursday, 28 November 2013

Queuing in the snow!

Today I had the pleasure to witness two American traditions.... The first one I'm sure you all know about, Thanksgiving day. Thanksgiving day is a celebration of the first dinner held between the indigenous American Indians and the Pilgrims fresh off the of the Mayflower. I suppose the dinner was held to symbolize a long and prosperous future for both sides whereas in fact I am sure the local Indians started regretting inviting those pesky pilgrims over for dinner from almost the first day! I know that some people say that the Pilgrims went to America to avoid persecution while others believe the real reason they went to America was to persecute!!

My thanksgiving dinner involved Beatrice - a Delicious succulent turkey of 18 pounds with all of your usual delicious trimmings - really it was very similar to your normal Christmas dinner with the added bonus of being in November, so you have another Christmas dinner to look forward to in about a months time :) In fact I can count myself twice as lucky today as I got to enjoy my thanksgiving dinner with Sheila and Ken (Amanda's Mum and Stepdad) and then another mini thanksgiving over at Amanda's Grans house! yummy!

This is just a quick little post to wish you all a very merry thanksgiving!

I shall sign off now but I shall leave you with something to ponder.... today the temperature outside was-5, it was snowing, most people have eaten too much, so what in the name of god are these people doing, queuing to get into a shop for that other American tradition 'Black Friday'?!?! My Black Friday experience was nowhere near as pleasant as my thanksgiving experience - while braving the cold to take these pictures for you on a Orange i phone or Galaxy Samsung or something fancy like that, Amanda and her car got swept away in a sea of people and traffic, leaving me stranded outside this shop in the freezing cold with everyone staring at me for a full 15 minutes! Poor old Greg! I hope it was all worth it to bring you these pictures :)

the queue stretched around 3 sides of the building!

The Car driving behind the sign nearly ran me down in its haste to be at the front of the queue

These people must be crazy! and no! no amount of deals or offers would ever convince me to queue up in the cold to go shopping! yuck!

Not a picture of the queue but a nice picture of some cupcakes Amanda and me made, aren't they cute :)


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