It started out as a bit of a laugh, the time was 6pm at Tacubaya metro station, Mexico City. It is amazing watching the platform fill up from front to back every 2 minutes before the next train comes along. I figured this would all be done and things would return to normal by half 6 or so, we'll just wait at the back of the platform.... Haha... No.... By half 6 it wasn't just the platform filling up but the elevators and the stairs leading to it as well, we were at the first stop so the trains were arriving empty and departing full. Every two minutes. Without barely making a dent into the sweaty heaving mass of people waiting.

Maybe it was just line 2 we thought, so off we went to try our luck on line 7, heading parallel to the city this one was not bad at all, we even got a seat! It was a shame it was headed away from our destination but it'll take us to line 3 and as it is past 7 now surely it won't be so bad! Well here we are... Oh s***! We can't even see the platform here. We definitely can't get back from here. Shall we go back to Tacubaya? Shall we just wait here till things calm down? Maybe we could go out and grab a drink or two? The trouble is if we leave the station we don't know where we are and we'll have to buy another ticket! No... We'll just wait it out here...

Okay. This isn't working. If only I had a decent map and we could walk it.. I wonder if it is still raining? No No Lets go back to Tacubaya.... We can't hang around here all night, maybe from there we can try that line 12 to Zapata and change there to get to Coyoacan and our hotel! Oh my god we have to do something! I am busting for the loo and there is no toilet here at Tacuba! Its a quarter to 8 now, it must have quietened down somewhat! What I would do to be a woman right now and get onto one of those ladies only carriages, they don't look half so bad!
The ladies only carriages, taken on a quieter day! |
Okay Okay! The trains on this line are still busy but not that busy! Lets go for it! Yes Yes Yes We have just about squeezed on and we are moving off in the right direction! Next stop and oh god... it is getting really busy now... Amanda is squished up against me... hopefully I don't smell so bad, but then everyone else on here is sweaty as well I guess it doesn't matter. Just 3 stops to Zapata, I must look up a bit about Zapata when we get back as I am sure I have heard his name before, or maybe that was just a fooball player. I know about the Zapata mustache of course, if only mine looked that good... Zapata! Here we are! And there is a toilet! YES! We just have to change trains now and then one stop to Coyoacan. It isn't busy at all. Coyoacan. Finally. It only took us about 3 hours to travel 10 kilometers! I am never catching the metro in the rush hour(s) again!
I love these 4 pictures, they define the metro perfectly. Watch the guy on the far left as he get more and more squished by the men trying to board the train! |
Help me he says. |
Pretty Please! |
Oh. Blast. |
A well deserved drink! |
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