Tuesday 29 April 2014

A nice little bicycle ride

I just took my bicycle down to an old abandoned coastguard station on the lakefront at the entrance to the Cuyahoga river, it made for some cracking pictures! The coastguard station was in use until 1976 when they moved into a bigger facility at the North Coast Harbour, since then it has been unused except for a brief spell as a nightclub in the 1990s (Thanks Wikipedia!). Here s a picture of the coastguard station during its heyday. The coastguard station in 1951

A nice spot to do some working out! the coastguard station is that small white blob in the lake at the far left of the picture.

Some rowers with about a million bridges in the background
A rather neat looking old bridge...amazingly it is still in use!

I would also like to offer a big congratulations to the weatherman, who said today would consist of a lovely mix of wind, rain and thunderstorms... well as you can see from the pictures today was a glorious day with no wind, rain or thunderstorms in sight :)

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